攜程集團是全球知名的一站式旅游服務供貨商,旗下品牌包括、攜程、Skyscanner及去哪兒網。攜程集團于1999年創(chuàng)立,2003年在納斯達克上市(NASDAQ: TCOM),2021年在香港交易所正式掛牌(HKEX: 09961)。攜程集團為世界各地旅客全方位搜羅及整合旅游信息,讓用戶可以輕松預訂旅游產品及服務,做出最精明的選擇。集團品牌已構建先進成熟的交易平臺,包括移動客戶端、網頁,以及24小時全球客戶服務支持。通過攜程集團豐富的產品及創(chuàng)新的營銷策略,合作伙伴及供貨商得以接觸快速增長的全球用戶。攜程集團一直毋忘初衷,秉承「追求完美旅程,共建美好世界」的宗旨,致力為所有用戶打造完美的旅行體驗。Group is a global travel service provider comprising of , Ctrip, Skyscanner, and Qunar. Across its platforms, Group helps travellers around the world make informed and cost-effective bookings for travel products and services, and enables partners to connect their offerings with users through the aggregation of comprehensive travel-related content and resources, and an advanced trans**** platform consisting of apps, websites and 24/7 customer service centers. Founded in 1999 and listed on NASDAQ in 2003 and HKEX in 2021, Group has become one of the best-known travel groups in the world, with the mission "to pursue the perfect trip for a better world".