School: 上海領科-SABIS學部工作職責:? Overseeing the work of the corridor supervisors to ensure that they are effectively performing their job.? Ensuring that supervisors are managing their corridors between periods in a timely and effective manner.? Providing supervisors with daily infr**** reports for the previous day so that they know what the suggested disciplinary ****s should be and can follow up on students and teachers accordingly.? Ensuring that teachers are abiding by the school code of conduct and the SABIS? Educational System.? Ensuring that the student line-up in the morning and after every recess takes place in a timely, efficient manner.? Mentoring, advising, and discussing with students who have serious disciplinary issues within the school with a view to maximizing learning and eliminating/minimizing bad behavior.? Ensuring students are in class in a timely manner before the start of the day and after every recess/break.? Motivating students to work hard during class time so as to be able to maximize learning.? Ensuring that all students under their supervision have left the school.? Entering data and ensuring accurate discipline remarks are entered into the students’ report cards on a term-by-term basis according to their term records.? Arranging for meetings with parents whose children have disciplinary issues so as to inform them of the situation and ****s that may occur.? Ensuring that the information being entered into the SABIS? School Management System (SSMS) including but not limited to teacher and student attendance report, student infr****s, etc. are done correctly and in a timely manner.? Following up with parents of students who have frequent absences and /or infr****s in order to promote compliance with the school’s attendance and behaviour expectations and ensure that parents are kept up-to-date on potential issues.? Encouraging parents to access WebSchool regularly.? Observing classes through window in classroom door to ensure an environment conducive to learning.? Ensuring a safe environment within the school and making sure that neither bullying nor fighting is taking place by participating in Advising classes or holding individual student meetings.? Accompanying students to the bus area after school hours and making sure that all students get on their allocated bus.? Holding weekly meetings with his/her team to discuss any concerns or issues they may have regarding student behavior.? Coordinating with the SLC to follow up on Discipline Prefects and ensure that they are doing their jobs efficiently and effectively.? Advising students on a regularly basis on different topics including but not limited, to fighting, bullying, cheating, etc.? Performing such other related tasks or projects as they arise and/or as assigned by the SABIS? school management.
1. 領科教育的創(chuàng)建與成就2003年,領科教育創(chuàng)始人梁洵安先生與英國劍橋大學國際考試委員會CAIE合作,率先引進IGCSE和ALevel課程, 一個從中國學生走向世界名校而打造的教育品牌由此誕生。自創(chuàng)建以來,領科教育已在上海、北京、廣州、深圳、武漢、蘇州等地擁有6大校區(qū),具備IGCSE、ALevel、IBDP、美式高中等4種國際教育課程,共輸送了136名牛津劍橋學子,130名美國排名前30名校學生,逾3500名世界名校畢業(yè)生。2.領科教育的發(fā)展與榮譽2012年,領科教育與霍英東基金會、美國ISS教育機構合作建立廣州英東中學NCPA美式中學。這是中國學生在中國本土即可獲得與美國教育完全接軌的學校。同時,領科教育也是國內獲WSCA(國際6大認證組織之一))認證的機構。2012年7月4日,英國劍橋大學國際考試委員會CAIE給予梁洵安及領科教育“杰出貢獻獎”。這是目前獲得此榮譽的中國人。2015年,領科教育獲CAIE頒發(fā)的PDQ(Professional Development Qualification)教師職業(yè)培訓機構資質,這也是國內家獲PDQ資質的國內機構。2019年,領科教育共斬獲25份牛津劍橋大學預錄取通知書,是國內國際課程教育集團。3. 領科教育的愿景、使命、價值觀愿景:1)成為學生和家長最可信賴的學校2)成為優(yōu)秀教育工作者的首選3)成為國際青睞的生源基地4)在世界最重要的舞臺活躍者領科學子使命:領科教育致力培養(yǎng)具有科學精神、人文素養(yǎng)、強健體魄的人才。價值觀:學生,教師為本、專業(yè)精神、團隊合作、和而不同領科教育融匯中西方教育精華,為有志進入世界就讀的中國學生提供“權威、安全、經濟、有效和充分保障”的教育環(huán)境。領科教育構筑社會、家庭與學校三位一體、積極開放的學習環(huán)境,保護并營造莘莘學子身心健康成長的土壤。4. 領科教育的教師培養(yǎng)理念:領科教育一直認為,教師是實現(xiàn)教育理想的主體。領科教育倡導教師要成為終身學習者,教師借助學校的培訓和自我學習、改變以知識點的傳輸,以考試為教學的最終目的的教學觀念,建立以學生為中心培養(yǎng)學生的思維方法為指向的教學法體系。教師要成為熱愛學習、善于學習與分享的學習者,校長要成為head of learners,學科負責人要成為head of learners of subject。領科教育為教師度身打造一系列“精英教師職業(yè)發(fā)展通道”計劃,努力為教師提供一流的職業(yè)發(fā)展平臺。領科教育每年在英國倫敦,美國新澤西,中國香港,上海等國際性的師資基地定向招募優(yōu)秀教師及培訓生。領科教育擁有360度教師培訓包,包括如下:1)新員工入職培訓——領科文化理念導入2)新進老師導師制計劃3)導師能力培訓4)中層管理領導力培訓5)CAIE、ALevel、IBDP等課程教育專業(yè)培訓6)PDQ教師職業(yè)資質培訓(certificate,diploma)7)為PGCE(國際教師專業(yè)資質)提供學院研究、指導支持領科教育的其他薪酬福利:1)提供高競爭力的薪酬包2)帶薪中西雙假3)每年海內外旅游4)俱樂部活動與比賽5. 領科教育上海校區(qū)領科教育上海校區(qū)位于松江區(qū)淶亭南路559號,總占地100畝,現(xiàn)擁有在校生近1000名,及200多名中外員工。領科教育上海校區(qū)也是國內為數(shù)不多的同校區(qū)同時運營IGCSE、ALevel及IBDP三大國際課程的學校。在體育活動方面,學校擁有8跑道400米標準塑膠運動場,標準足球場,攀巖設施、大型綜合體育館、500多平米的大型多功能會場、6個室外籃球場、1個室內籃球場和英式籃球場。在教學設施方面,學校擁有符合國際標準的5個化學、4個物理及2個生物實驗室,2個網(wǎng)絡遠程教室、2間美術寫生教室,以及專業(yè)舞蹈房,音樂室,戲劇表演室及圖書館。在生活配套方面,學校擁有提供一日三餐的學生與教職員餐廳,ALFEE咖啡館、喜士多便利店、室內專業(yè)健身房,可容納近千名學生的學生公寓(4人間帶獨立淋浴衛(wèi)生間),另設配套洗衣房等。目前,領科教育上海校區(qū)的教師來自于全球18個不同國家,以外籍教師和海歸學者為主,近80%擁有名校碩士及以上學歷,教師平均教齡在10年以上,在領科教育教學時間平均在4年以上。2022年,領科教育在追求更高質量更好教育的路上不斷努力向前。目前上海校區(qū)計劃進一步更新課程,增加更多的拓廣性學習項目,為學生的成長提供更多幫助,呼喚更多心懷教育理想的專業(yè)人士的加入!